The Ralph Page

"My cat's breath smells like catfood"
"The doctor said I wouldn't have so many nose bleeds if I could just keep my finger out of there"
"That's the rock where I met the leprechaun. He told me to burn things"
"Go Banana"
"They taste like burning"
"Principal Skinner and Mrs. Krabappel were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me"
"My worm jumped into my mouth and I ate it"
"Will you cook my dinner?"
"I'm special"
". . . when the doctor said I didn't have worms anymore-that was the happiest day of my life"
"I bent my Wookie"
"Me fail English? That's unpossible"
"Ralph won't 'morph' if I squeeze him hard enough"
"I'm peddling backwards"
"I heard a Frankenstein lives there"
"Hey, look Big Papa, is regular Papa"
"Someone should iron you"
"I just Swallowed a thumb tack"

To go back home,