Works Cited

Baker, Carlos. Hemingway: The Writer as an Artist. 4 ed. Princeton University Press, 1972:438 in Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 80. James P. Draper, ed. Detroit: Gale Research, 1994: 106-113.

Benson, Jackson J. The Writer’s Art of Self-Defense. University of Minnesota Press, 1969: 202 in Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 80. James P. Draper, ed. Detroit: Gale Research, 1994:128-134.

Eksteins, Modris. “All Quiet On The Western Front And The Fate Of A War.” The Journal of Contemporary History. Vol. 15. No. 2. April 1980: 345-365 in Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 21. Sharon R. Gunton, ed. Detroit: Gale Researc, 1994: 336-338.

Hemingway, Ernest. For Whom The Bell Tolls. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1940.

Meyers, Jeffrey. of For Whom The Bell Tolls in Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 80. James P. Draper, ed. Detroit: Gale Research, 1994: 106.

_____________. Hemingway: A Biography. New York: Harper & Row Publishers, Inc., 1985: 298-325.

Nagel, James. “Ernest Hemingway.” Dictionary of Literary Biography. Vol. 9. James J. Martime, ed. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1981: 100-120.

Payne, Stanley G. “Spain.” World Book Encyclopedia. Vol. 18. Robert O. Zeleny, ed. Chicago: World Book, Inc., 1992: 750-751.

Remarque, Erich Maria. All Quiet On The Western Front. New York: Fawcett Crest, 1958.

Stokesbury, James L. “World War Two.” World Book Encyclopedia. Vol. 21. Robert O. Zeleny, ed. Chicago: World Book, Inc., 1992: 474.

Stoneback, H.R. SUNY-New Paltz, NY of For Whom The Bell Tolls in Beacham’s Encyclopedia of Popular Fiction: Analyses. Vol.3. Kirk H. Beetz, ed. Osprey, FL: Beacham Publishing Corp., 1996:1490-1493.

Young, Phillip. “Ernest Hemingway.” American Writers. Vol. 2. Leonard Unger, ed. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1972: 247-250. Gunton, ed. Detroit: Gale Research, 1994: 314-326.

Works Consulted

Adler, Jack. “Theme and Character in Hemingway’s For Whom The Bell Tolls.” University Review. Vol. 30. No. 4. Summer 1964 in Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 80. James P. Draper, ed. Detroit: Gale Research, 1994: 113-117.

Bessie, Alvah. “Hemingway’s For Whom The Bell Tolls.” New Masses. Vol. 38. No. 7. 5 November 1940: 25-29 in Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 80. James P. Draper, ed. Detroit: Gale Research, 1994: 103-105.

Gerogiannis, Nicholas. “Ernest Hemingway.” Dictionary of Literary Biography. Vol. 4. Karen Lane Rood, ed. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1980: 187-210.

Kronenberger, Louis. “War’s Horrors As A German Private Saw It.” New York Times Book Review. 2 June 1929: 5 in Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 21. Sharon R. Gunton, ed. Detroit: Gale Research, 1994: 309-313.

Lewis, Robert W, Jr. Hemingway on Love. New York: Heskell House Publishers, Ltd., 1973: 252 in Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 80. James P. Draper, ed. Detroit: Gale Research, 1994:117-128.

Ramsey, John F. “Spain.” Collier’s Encyclopedia. Vol. 21. Lauren S. Bohr, ed. New York: P.F. Collier, Inc., 1993: 398.

Reilly, Edward C. Arkansas State University. “Ernest Hemingway.” Beacham’s Encyclopedia of Popular Fiction: Biographies. Vol. 2. Kirk H. Beetz, ed. Osprey, FL: Beacham Publishing Corp., 1996: 730-737.

Reynolds, Michael. “Ringing the Changes: Hemingway’s Bell tolls 50.” Virginia Quarterly Review. Vol. 67. No. 1. Winter 1991: 1-18 in Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 80. James P. Draper, ed. Detroit: Gale Research, 1994: 145-151.

Rowley, Brian A. “Journalism into Fiction: Im Westen Wichts Neues.” The First World War in Fiction: A Collection of Critical Essays. Holger Klein, ed. Chicago: Littlefield, Adams & Co., Inc., 1977: 101-112 in Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 21.

Rudat, Wolfgang. “The Other War in For Whom The Bell Tolls: Man and Miltonic Gender-Role Battles.” Hemingway Review. Vol. 11. No. 1. Fall 1991: 5-12 in Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 80. James P. Draper, ed. Detroit: Gale Research, 1994: 151-158.

Waldhorn, Arthur. A Reader’s Guide to Ernest Hemingway. New York: Farrar, Stradus, & Girroux, 1972: 284 in Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 80. James P. Draper, ed. Detroit: Gale Research, 1994: 134-145.

Wilson, Edmund. “Return of Ernest Hemingway.” The New Republic. Vol. 103. No. 18. 28 October 1940: 591-592 in Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 80. James P. Draper, ed. Detroit: Gale Research, 1994: 101-103.

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